How to Fix a Speedometer That is Reading Wrong

How to Fix a Speedometer That is Reading Wrong

To fix a speedometer that is reading wrong, first, check the speed sensor and its connections. Next, calibrate the speedometer using a GPS-based speedometer correction device.

This will ensure accurate readings and proper functioning of the speedometer. Having an accurate speedometer is crucial for safe driving and avoiding speeding tickets. If you notice your speedometer is reading wrong, it’s important to address the issue promptly. We will discuss common reasons for a malfunctioning speedometer and provide practical tips to fix it.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your speedometer is functioning correctly and accurately reflects your vehicle’s speed. Read on to learn how to diagnose and fix a speedometer that is reading wrong.

Common Causes Of A Wrong Reading

When your speedometer starts reading inaccurately, it can be frustrating and potentially dangerous. Understanding the common causes can help you troubleshoot and fix the issue promptly. Let’s explore the potential culprits behind a speedometer that is reading wrong.

Mechanical Issues

  • A damaged speedometer cable
  • Worn-out gears in the speedometer
  • Incorrect tire size or inflation

Electrical Problems

  • Faulty speed sensor
  • Malfunctioning vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
  • Problems with the instrument cluster

If you notice your speedometer behaving erratically, these common mechanical and electrical issues could be at fault. Identifying the specific cause will help you address the problem effectively.

Methods To Fix A Speedometer

Methods to Fix a Speedometer
  • First, ensure the speedometer cable is correctly connected.
  • Next, inspect for any signs of wear or damage on the cable.
  • Perform a calibration test to adjust the accuracy of the cable.
  1. Check the speed sensor for any faults or malfunctions.
  2. If needed, replace the defective speed sensor with a new one.
  3. Ensure the new speed sensor is compatible with your vehicle model.
  1. Reset the speedometer cluster by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes.
  2. If resetting does not work, reinstall the speedometer cluster carefully.
  3. Ensure all connections are secure and the cluster is properly aligned.

By following these methods, you can effectively troubleshoot and fix a speedometer that is reading wrong.

Tools Required

When it comes to fixing a speedometer that is reading wrong, having the right tools is essential. With the right tools in hand, you’ll be able to diagnose and rectify the issue with relative ease. Here are the tools you’ll need:


A screwdriver is a versatile tool that will come in handy when dealing with a misreading speedometer. Whether you need to remove screws, access the instrument cluster, or adjust the calibration, a screwdriver is a must-have. Make sure to have both flathead and Phillips screwdrivers, as different types of screws may be used in your vehicle.


Another essential tool for fixing a speedometer is a wrench. This tool will be used to loosen and tighten nuts and bolts, allowing you to access the necessary components. A wrench with an adjustable jaw will provide flexibility when working on different parts of the speedometer system.


A multimeter is an indispensable tool for accurately measuring electrical currents, voltages, and resistances. When dealing with a misreading speedometer, a multimeter can help you diagnose if the issue lies with the electrical wiring or the speed sensor. By testing the voltage output and resistance of the sensor, you can determine if it needs to be replaced or if there are any wiring issues.

By having these tools readily available, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the task of fixing a speedometer that is reading wrong. With the right tools at your disposal, you can successfully troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may be affecting the accuracy of your speedometer.

How to Fix a Speedometer That is Reading Wrong


Step-by-step Guide

Fixing a speedometer that is reading wrong can be a frustrating issue to deal with. However, with a step-by-step guide, troubleshooting and correcting the problem can be made much easier. Here’s a breakdown of the essential steps to take when addressing a faulty speedometer.

Identify The Problem

First, you need to identify the root cause of the speedometer reading inaccurately. It could be a malfunctioning speed sensor, damaged wiring, or a problem with the instrument cluster. Take the time to thoroughly assess the vehicle and pinpoint the specific issue.

Gather The Necessary Tools

Before attempting to fix the speedometer, ensure you have the required tools at hand. This may include a multimeter, soldering iron, replacement speed sensor or wiring, and a service manual specific to your vehicle make and model.

Follow The Manufacturer’s Instructions

Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions provided in the service manual. This will provide detailed guidance on how to tackle the issue correctly and ensure that you do not cause further damage to the vehicle.

Perform The Required Fix

Once you have gathered the necessary tools and familiarized yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions, follow the recommended steps to perform the fix. This may involve replacing the speed sensor, repairing damaged wiring, or recalibrating the instrument cluster. Pay close attention to the details and execute the repair methodically.

Testing The Accuracy Of The Speedometer

Discover how to fix a speedometer that is reading wrong by testing its accuracy. Learn the steps to troubleshoot and rectify the issue, ensuring a reliable and precise speedometer reading.

Testing the accuracy of your speedometer is crucial to ensure safe and reliable driving. By verifying its readings, you can troubleshoot and fix any discrepancies. Here are some simple methods for checking the accuracy of your speedometer. Using a GPS Device Utilizing a GPS device is a straightforward way to test the accuracy of your speedometer. Simply load a GPS app on your smartphone or use a dedicated GPS device. Drive your vehicle at a consistent speed and compare the reading on the speedometer with that of the GPS device. Note any variations in the readings to gauge the accuracy of your speedometer. Utilizing a Speed Trap Another method to check the accuracy of your speedometer is to utilize a speed trap. This involves driving through a speed zone with a radar speed sign or a known police speed checkpoint. Observe the speed displayed on the speed trap and cross-reference it with the reading on your speedometer. Be cautious and avoid exceeding the speed limit while conducting this test. By employing these simple techniques, you can effectively gauge the accuracy of your speedometer and take the necessary steps to address any discrepancies. Regularly testing your speedometer helps maintain safe driving conditions and ensures compliance with traffic regulations.
How to Fix a Speedometer That is Reading Wrong


How to Fix a Speedometer That is Reading Wrong


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Fix A Speedometer That Is Reading Wrong

How Do I Know If My Speedometer Is Reading Wrong?

To check if your speedometer is reading wrong, use a GPS to compare your vehicle’s speed with the reading on the speedometer. If there is a noticeable difference, your speedometer may be reading wrong.

What Are The Common Causes Of A Speedometer Reading Wrong?

Common causes of a speedometer reading wrong include a malfunctioning speed sensor, damaged wiring, a faulty speedometer head, or a problem with the vehicle’s transmission. These issues can lead to inaccurate speed readings.

Can A Speedometer Be Fixed If It Is Reading Wrong?

Yes, a speedometer that is reading wrong can often be fixed. Depending on the issue, repairs may involve recalibrating the speedometer, replacing the speed sensor, repairing wiring, or addressing problems in the vehicle’s transmission. It’s best to consult with a professional mechanic for accurate diagnosis and repair.


To fix a speedometer that is reading wrong, it is important to first diagnose the root cause of the issue. From checking the sensor and cable connections to calibrating or replacing the speedometer itself, there are various troubleshooting steps to consider.

By addressing the problem promptly and accurately, you can ensure an accurate reading and maintain safe driving conditions. Remember, understanding the intricacies of your vehicle’s speedometer is the key to resolving any inaccuracies.

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